Virtual Counselling

The traditional approach to counselling takes place in an office or clinic setting behind closed doors. This is important for a couple of good reasons.

First, counselling is a confidential process. You must feel confident that whatever you say to your counselor will be held in the strictest confidence and never shared with anyone else without your permission. At Park Bench Counselling Services, we are committed to the highest standards of confidentiality. Nobody will be given information from your sessions without your permission. For that reason, sessions at our office in North-East Toronto take place behind closed doors. The conversation will be privileged, between you and your counselor only. No one else will be listening.

Second, our counselling office is a quiet and peaceful place, far removed from the distractions and turmoil of everyday life. It is a chance to step outside of your life for an hour or two and reflect on your experience, circumstances, and most importantly, your feelings. Think of this as an oasis.

What is meant by “Virtual Counselling?”

Although office visits are the most ideal form of care we provide, Park Bench Counselling Services has now expanded our range of services to include the following:

  • Telephone counselling
  • Email counselling
  • Skype counselling

Although non-traditional, these forms of “Virtual Counselling” may have advantages for certain individuals.

  • Distance: We are pleased to report that Park Bench is now providing counselling support to individuals and families across Ontario, including those living in Guelph, Cambridge, Waterloo, London, Ottawa etc. Technology is now allowing us to provide care to those who could not easily access our home office in the GTA
  • Mobility: There are individuals seeking support who live with certain mobility challenges such as cerebral palsy, lung or heart disease, fragile bones etc. Park Bench Counselling Services is now providing access to high-quality support to such individuals regardless of mobility concerns
  • Shyness and social phobia: Some people just don’t feel comfortable coming to an office and speaking with someone face-to-face. They may simply be too nervous or self-conscious. They may feel too sad or depressed to leave their home. They may have anxiety or panic attacks, made worse by being out and about in a public place. At Park Bench, we recognize that such individuals require special care, patience and compassion. By access to advanced technology, such individuals can receive care and support right in the comfort of their own home without having to step out the door. Our belief and commitment is that everyone should have the right to care and support regardless of their situation, fears or vulnerabilities.
  • Busy lives: All of us are leading busier and busier lives. There may be times when we really need someone to talk to on the spot but can’t really pull ourselves away for a sit-down, face-to-face appointment. That’s where virtual counselling comes in. Where possible, counselling will be made available for people on the go; busy executives, doctors, nurses or school teachers on their lunch break, single parents after the kids are in bed…in short, people who really need someone to talk to and just can’t find the time to get away.